Um, are we sure it’s Spring? 🙂
Up here in the mountains, we are under threat of snow and usually under actual snow until the end of May. Last year, our last snow came on June 9th with kids already out of school for the “Summer.” It can sometimes be tough to get the energy of Spring moving through me when everything is still covered with ice and snow with no end in sight. We have had a tremendously mild Winter, for which I am grateful. The past month has been like watching a Newton’s Cradle bat back and forth from one extreme to the other as we have had beautiful days in the 60’s and other days when two feet of snow fell overnight.
In the quiet introspection of Winter, CUSP people plan their coming year of manifestation and mine was very reflective of the bi-polar nature of the weather. From Yule through Candlemas, I meditated and visualized, trying to see what I should plant. When Candlemas passed and I still had no insight or inspiration, Eric suggested that we basically plant a grab bag of “Whatever the Universe Wishes to Bring Us.” I though that was a fine idea since I was coming up empty-handed. His lack of planning was in some ways connected to the Winter Solstice 2012 prophecies that are so prevalent in many different cultures, including the Mayan culture to which he is deeply drawn. He is convinced that *something* is going to happen that will be so profound as to be a game changer of such proportions that we have no idea WHAT we’re going to need after December 22. Mine was coming more from a perspective of, “I’m happy and impossibly joyful and content with my life at this point that I honestly can’t think of a thing to change.” Eric and I are of different minds about the Solstice prophecies. While he is certain of a shake up, I am of the impression that it will be *Saturday* and then it will be *Sunday* and life will go on the same trajectory it is currently embracing with any shifts happening on a very internal and unseen level. Since the feminine energy is internal and receptive and the male energy is external and projective, it makes sense. I recently had someone ask me from the perspective of a life path strategist if I could see beyond December 21, 2012 and I answered without hesitation, “Absolutely!” She said she knew several readers who couldn’t and all I could reflect was my own insight, which is things moving on much as they have been through cycles, shifts and the ever upward ascending spiral. I am a tremendous advocate of “greatest good” and believe that we, both as people and as a macrocosm of mankind, are always unerringly moving exactly in the direction that we should toward a magnificent outcome. I refuse to have the lack of faith that allows people to live in doubt, fear and panic. People manifest fear and often, the most magical adults become trapped in a place of fear until they are like children around a campfire, telling scary stories with wide eyes and their little face illuminated by a flashlight under their chin.
I hasten to say that Eric is NOT approaching the impending Winter Solstice 2012 shift with fear at all. He’s excited about it. I’m mostly worried about how he’s going to react if I’m right and it’s just another day. I suspect it will be similar to the Harold Camping rapture predictions where believers will find a reasonable explanation for why nothing observable happened. Basically, if anything happens 6 months before or 6 months after December 21, 2012, it can be attributed to the end times predictions. If nothing happens, it can still be an “internal” shift that no one sees. Either way, I don’t feel much of a perceptible change coming and Eric does. It’s not unusual for us to be on opposite sides of the fence on these types of issues.
In CUSP, the time between Candlemas and Spring Equinox is a time of confirmation and redirect. Having stated our intentions of what to plant in the coming year at Candlemas, The Universe then confirms that our intentions are appropriate and beneficial or sends us redirects to steer us in a different direction. Regardless, that 6 weeks is a poignant time of signs and omens and anything from gentle nudges to celestial beatings. What I took from it is that it is time once again to work on my goal of being lean, strong and healthy after taking a hiatus from having weight loss as a focus. I am very excited about the Universal guidance I have received so far in this. I also was shown that it is time to become more active in the magical community again, which is also very exciting to me. Another goal that was put before me is the completion of one, possibly two, of my many books that are outlined and waiting.
I planted all of those things on Spring Equinox and I am eager and ready to give them the attention and nurturing they deserve to bring about a wonderful Fall Harvest. Eric even planted a couple of things of his own. 🙂
Now I just hope the ground isn’t too frozen at Beltane for us to plant our giant Maypole!
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