Animal Magnetism

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Originally printed in “The Rising Wind,”  Beltane 2003 –   This now defunct online magazine was a wonderful effort put out by Katie Hodges.  It’s such a shame it is gone, but the content still holds up beautifully.

When my dear friend told me that the theme for this holiday’s Rising Wind was to be Beltane (OK, figured that one out – smile) and totem animals, I was intrigued. My experience with totem animals was, for quite some time, tentative at best. I’ve had two previous priests who were heavily ensconced in the attributes and blessings of their totem animals, one being cats, specifically a black panther and the other being wolves. In my dealings with those gentlemen and other pagans I’ve met along the way, I will confess to some fairly strong feelings of inadequacies because doggone it (ouch, no pun intended), I just don’t have one.

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